Sunday, August 12, 2007

Oxygenated tank aerated very importance

this is a forum thread from that i raised up for help from fellow forummers

Hi pals, just need some advice about pumping into my 3ft tanks pair with 4 vent outlet air pump into my systems.I have been putting in these tubings for really oxydise my fish tank waters for good distribution and circulation purpose for fish health and vitality. One thing is i hope by doing this is doing no harm for my fishes at all cause like creating bladder swimming or unforeseen aquatic buoyancy problems.Hopefully, not neglecting certain species and type for some caution steps.If you have experienced or encounter or even practise these techniques, do share your makings and i will be most glad to learn from you. Thanks again Description: rain bar second last picture

oxygen levels cannot exceed 20ppm under normal conditions. call Dr Malick from Singapore hydroponics. if you can exceed 20ppm then you got a problem. call me. i make it a happy problem (a whole bonzai can be immensed into the water)my 2 cents

cheers bro! that is some good notes to digest . btw assume i use a conventional air pump for aquarium purpose means i should be safely use this without endangering my tank mates , right?

yes. lets take example this. i wanted to stick one jasmine bonsai into the water. however the roots will start to rot unless the oxygen levels go above 20ppm. Professor (real PHD) Dr Malick told me someone in Japan has managed to exceed the threashold to achieve this. Normal aeration will not cause swim bladder problems. in fact, to note . One single airstone is sufficient to aerate the entire tank.however in my extensive writing here, i have said that we will need different habitats to cultivate the biological filtration needed in the enclosed system. We will need a balanced ecological system. The negative impact of aerating so strongly is to reduce anaerobic processess (oxygen free). This will negatively impact the control of nitrates within the writings also covered using different substrates to achieve aerobic and anaerobic processes. Bio Rings with particular shapes can also achieve anaerobic processes where the upper layers of oxygen levels are depicted. However we must take note that they are not disturbed and the enclosed layer of the aerobic digestion will depict the oxygen if there are any questions, pls feel free to ask.

Originally Posted by tygerlim
Is there any way to measure the dissolved air level in the water?yes. you can get one. hanna or some other brand. ORP meter

But well oxygenated tank can reduce nitrate levels somewhat?nitrate consuming anaerobes dislike oxygen. however aerobic bbs will love it. imo, won't decrease nitrate a tat Description: Pump head last picture

"dr" tagore bro, i have also improvised a artificial effect like a waterfall to inject fresh oxygen from the air back into the waterslike i used a piped rain bar to penetrate the jet into the water creating a stream of water burst to enhance the oxygen manipulation for the water refreshing effectpls advice how this implementation improves the water conditions, parameters and nitrate/ammonia levels balancethks

bro tagore sir, Ups to you! i came to think of it, the other alternative of putting some blast into the water is upturn a powerhead/pump and stirring the effect of turbulance to the waters to churn the bursting effect into the water slip stream thus creating a massive current for oxygenating the air molecules from the sucking inlet down to the mixture of water+air= oxyside fresh waters kindly advice alsocheers!

this is call surface agitation. promotes water to air exchange. this is not oxygen injection as you mentioned. imo, it will not affect your water parameters too much.

1. Remove stagnant waters2. Mimic natural wind3. affects the arowana’s behaviour for 1 day, next day he ignores it. (varies)4. Disperse algae (algae does not strive in) 5. Lotic water - biota suitable for lotic waters6. Destratify/Turning the water – Remove/mix pelagic column water layers7. sorption hysteresis (wait, will update)9. keep the water surface in motion for oxygen exchange (wait, Will update)10. Algae is not able to sit at the surface of the water and soak up all the sunlight it needs for photosynthesis and it cannot survive without large amounts of sunlight11. Drops the temperature of the tankanymore pls add. i add much more latermy 2 cents

i need to raise 2 questions, hopefully this is helpful too1. If the water agitation and water bursting into the water artificially creates oxygen into the water for aeration and ciculation, that indirectly converts and retain useful oxygen compound if upon electrical black out situation when it restores most oxygen needed to longer period2. the effect literally create a skimming effect to the water surfaces and thus reduces top layering of fluids undesirable for the aquarium waters and elements for purification processeskindly pls correct and translate better info for me to share with fellow forummers too cheers!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

lightings for the aquarium

take your pick, there are many choices of suitable lights to illuminate the splendor of your home aquarium for the viewing pleasure, so which type of light do you go for, that is the mind boggling for enthusiasts

well, firstly, the aquarium is none to look at if its without any lighting, if its in the night or dark, then the tank is just a box of mysterious creatures nothing to showcase your creations and water featured homemade art in your living room

so we have to go for the ideal choice and circumstances for the so call perfect sense of light up for the fish, water decor and the whole sense of water pet form of keeping in your house

lets see the choices, then the size , the maintenance and the overall effect of the light

there is a standard bulb tube that is commonly use as flourescent, then the PL form factor and the xenon light for mostly use for marine tank environment

the size has to compliment and proportionate to the length of the oveall size of the tank, the throw of the light should be adequate and not too powerful to be too glaring for the fish and fitting for our human eyes, if the lights are too dim and too bright, the effects on the fish can be devastating as to the longevity of the fish and the necessary micro-organisms within the tank eco systems.

the color of the light also depends on the selection process of you light taste and the heat generated by the light power and generation , otherwise a heater effect will burn out the waters and the fish survival for the ideal temperatures

lastly, look into the electricity consumption needed and maintenance necessary to upkeep the aquarium within your budget

energy saving ones like the pl energy compliant model are good investments for long term light mounts for the serious aquarium enthusiasts
these are most costly but do save your electrical billings for your savings to prevent a hole in your pockets

Rejoice in the possession of experienced technical high-quality fluorescent lamps in various specifications. Lamps used for aquarium, plant growth and germicidal are also available.• Type: T4/T5/T8/T9/T10/T12• Power: 4W-65W• Color temperature: 2,700k/4,300k/6,500k/7,000k/9,000k as customized.• Life: 10,000H• Application: widely used for home lighting
3 Lengths: 35in, 47in, 59in
Very Low Profile: only 29/32in wide by 1-5/16in high
Very Little Heat: gives off very little heat
Very Light Weight: 1.3 pounds or lessLAMPS
Very Good Lamp Life: rated life is 20,000 hours on average (Ordered separately.)Caution: always be certain that the lamp is seated properly in both of its sockets. Be sure that both pins of each end are inside their respective socket and that the lamp is rotated 90 degrees once the pins are in the sockets. Failure to make good electrical contact between the pins and its socket may result in arcing and excessive heating of the socket.
Excellent Color Rendition: high color rendering index (CRI) of 82+ELECTRICAL FEATURES
Quiet Electronic Ballast: built-in lightweight electronic ballast provides instant-on starting with no flickering and cool quiet operation
Energy Efficient: uses only 21, 28, 35 watts of power/fixture respectively
Easy to Link Fixtures Together: can be installed as multiple units connected in line with direct connectors or flexible connecting cables of 6in, 12in, 24in, 48in, or 72in
Several Fixtures May be Linked Together: maximum wattage in one “ganged” line is 245 watts
Not Dimmable: these fluorescent fixtures are not dimmableINSTALLATION
Very Easy to Install: easy to install with 3 screw-in clips, then fixture snaps into place
Plug-In Electrical Connection: can easily be connected to power by using a 6ft white cord & plug adapter
Hard Wire Electrical Connection: may be connected to power by using a special Hardwire Box, an optional accessory that will accept a standard household Romex wire and, in turn, can be connected to a T5 extra long fixture using a Flexible Connecting Cable. The Fluorescent T5 Extra Long Fixtures cannot be hardwired directly to household Romex wire without this special Hardwire Box; the profile of these T5 fixtures is simply too small. The dimensions of the Hardwire Box are 3-5/8in L x 2.25in W x 1-3/8in H. OTHER
Accessories: 1) T5 fluorescent lamps2) attractive, easy-to-clean plexiglass cover protects T5 fluorescent lamp3) direct connector 4) flexible connecting cables5) 6ft cord-and-plug adapter with or without an on/off in-line roller switch6) hard wire box
Average Pricing Estimate: for installations requiring several fixtures to be connected end-to-end the estimated per/foot price of the Fluorescent T5 Extra Long Light Fixtures, including all of the necessary components, is about $23.50/foot ± $5.00/foot. (This estimate does not include Professional Discounts given to “resellers” or discounts given for purchasing large quantities.)

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Fish taxidermy and mounts

the silver / black arowana

the datnoide or indo/siamese/tiger variants a pike fly fishing stance

the large koi carp

Background and featured art decor for the aquarium

I have been contemplating about the addition of internal tank decor. These pieces of features like the drift objects or plant sproutings are great decor to give the setting together with the fishes some dimension and good realistic art for a surreal feeling.

I have seen fibre glass and foam art pieces meant for aquariums for this kind of placings inside the tank background, some are realistic and look natural and rustic like to give the tank a little bit of enviroment like the perfect setting in a water catchment area where fishes thrive.

Saturday, June 2, 2007 dare you eat peacock bass!...

The peacock bass, also know as cichla pavon or the tucunare, in the richest- its considered a very good game fish but on the contrary its a very good alternative cheap and easily available meat for the hungry for worthiness.

I see the contrasting needs of each extreme group of dependencies for the want for the fish for different reasons, i beg to contrast and comment on each type of meaning to the motion if this fish should be protected and only make a rule when a proposal is justified.

This is surely a very beautiful fish in appearance with distinction,no doubt about it, but the daring and thrill seeker will see this as an opportunity to enhance the fishing industry for its pride to fish and not eat,unlike those who has no choice but to prey for its flesh.

So much popularity has explode this natural hunt for gamers worldwide that the only place to hunt from its primary native location has brought this fish to the great americas and the far east. This has become a significant much sought fish in terms of hooking up or just putting into an aquaria for beauty ornamental purpose that somehows makes the avid enthusiasts thrilled and excited wherever maybe. I share this joy too

Cooked meal or fresh cut feed?

I am into feeding my fishes with wholesome prawns with the lesser live feeders. The option of choice selection is the ready processed packed from the supermarket packet shrimp or the fresly caught prawns that is shelled and raw. I tried the latter and found i had no problems with the feeds for a couple of months, then i go for the alternative and used the frozen refrigerated packet ones, also no problem as the fishes consumed rationally. I then did a comparison with both water, fish and nutrition values. I did not observe any vast water foulage nor bad fish behaviors or any other upset to the whole aquarium. The option is to feed sparingly and no wastage and the waters does not affect adversely. Bottom line is its okay to go for any prawn feed type provided good handling and storage should be maintained to ensure they are consumed and properly replenished.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

My water monsters fishes manoeuver in the dark ,predatory and enchanting creatures captured in full glory and rich in color, royal and spanking smarty images, magical!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Bio-load equilabrum

water culture! how stable is your aquatic water for your ornamental pet in a fish enclosure,tank or pond. This is a common mistake or dilemma a newbie or starter hobbyist begins his adventure. This can be a drawback or a valuable lesson to value and sustain for the rest of the times to maintain this exciting pastime. The gist of the matter is how to keep and how many to feed and by doing so , at which point for the grux of the matter supress the ammonia state of the waste and pollution to null state to keep the water parameters in the water feature eco friendly and viable. There is no hard and fuss rule here, the combination of control and the energy to protect and perform rituals and tasks to make the cultured water in good condition.
once routined and time tabled, the feed and fish appetite can be met and balanced for a manageable cycle for the habit.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Acid or alkaline, PH parameter balance

whether its freshwater , ornamental fish or sea water marine aquatic fish specie
its going to be brought home in your own privacy and for yout own convenience and sole discression to keep and maintain the fish to an experience just like in the nature state
its captivity to simulate the lake/reservoir or sea environment and to do that , the basic wate must be the same if not very close.

sea water marine fish saltish state needs to be calibrated in terms of the complicated water parameters which could determine the lifespan and behavior of the fish inside your tank
those brackish water water needs to be very real, else those dwelling fish base under those waters will not accept and thus will perish in no time if the acclimatisation effects does not come into compatibility sooner than later.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Glass or acrylic?

There is a common notion fish tank are all glass material mde, i am wrong! i came to know some tanks are custom made to be tough durable acrylic or plastic.
I seem to prefer glass as it has properties to be see thru and easily maintain as it is easily fabricated, cut glass are tailored in various dimensions for that purpose.
Some professional and basic ones do come in acrylic too, these plastic sheets are light weight and easily handled to put into place by means of bonding materials to set the object. The downside however is the costs to manufacture as these fluid compond of plastic does not come cheap.
the other bad side i think is the surface and fragility to be scratched and defaced significantly , glass on the other hand can be polised but still fragile in another way.
so with both options, i reckon it boils to preference and costs, the eye of the beholder will choose the picture.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Foodchain reality

Big fish eat medium fish, medium fish eat small fish, so this is basically the food chain cycle. If you own and keep live feed for predatory fishes in your pond and tanks, natually you have to introduce a pool of feeder fishes which are smaller and common ,not ornamental and keep purpose, these surely is normal and sensible to artificially introduce them into your monster fishes to prey on the feeds meant. Some people think not, whereby the cruelty factor is brought up into this scenario and vows the ill fated fishes that are devoured by the larger fishes that craves for living fishes as baits to feed these fishes that are for rearing. Based on the food chain cycle and this method of introduction should not be a question of not providing and avoidable to serve this meal that seems unnatural.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Fish Aquatic trends- game fish or ornamental fish hobby?

High end or home economics-your choice !
the game is open to minimalist or the extremist, going on a voyage to a high feature target rich environment to explore the eco system filled expanse and diverse hunt on a thrill adventure like a game fish trip is a rich holiday.
the normal little starter will be game simply for a basic tank setup for a residential experience for a home concept feature for a family deal
Imagine a life time experience to take a trip to the amazon will cost per passenger easily US$15K for this thrilling extravaganza to be angling a huge monster fish.
Local tropical fish farms organise by asian aquatics trade shows will only cost US$2K complete with an complete return air ticket

Tank or Pond, upsize or a water featurette

Geomancy or no feng shui, hobbyist who adores aquatics in a home living should create a lively and living space for a niche culture to keep pets which are water based in a home environment

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Filtration...what is best?

What we eat is what we are, therefore all living things consume by the mouth and that is the importance is what make us. Irregardless if the end result is rewarding or otherwise depends much on the beneficiary. So the filter is an important element for the aquatic science mechanism, its a system to purify and normalise the water structure and parameters. This is made of the physical layer and the biological chemisty to cause the water content to be as ideal as possible. Meaning the ph balance, the hardness and alkaline balance must be that against the toxic and nitro effects within the liquid state, thus eliminating harmful bacteria and unsafe chemicals to damage the living state of the organism.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Oddball fishes rearing @ home aquariums worldwide

Its been a local and foreign trend to hobbyist to keep fish at homes, but from the ordinary goldfish to the more geomancy driven arowana, now the swing is on for uniques fishes from south & CENTRAL america SA/CA -cichlids ~to the amazon like arapaima ,peacock bass, tiger fish and dorado's, plenty of hype have stirred the aquarium community hobby world, the spin off have created multiple leverage and upmarket pricing towards the limits, we local can only be amaze with such escalations and hikes. On the contrary, the basic fish keeper and local fish farms/shops have been revive by such interests such that the desire to cause the spinoffs to continue to manipulate and constantly keep up the spirit . Lu0 han fever is also back on tracks after the late 90's hype of these wonder cichlids , its fun and exciting for alot of fish enthusiasts , and a whole lot of talk and sharing among the international forums, fish on!

Water World

Why innuendo? well as the meaning interpretes by itself (self explanatory)

noun.*A clever way to say what you mean, but not necessarily mean what you say because of underling hidden intent that must be inferred to be understood..:almost ALWAYS sexual but does not have to be ie. *Usually said in jest, but cum on folks, we know what your really getting at.

lets begin sharing like no barriers can, lets be open and nothing to hide, just like the checkpoints will, declare at will,lets go...

An innuendo is a remark or question, typically disparaging, that works obliquely by allusion. The intention is often to insult or accuse someone in such a way that one's words, taken literally, are innocent. Innuendo can make use of, but is by no means restricted to, double entendre (note that doubles entendres can be unintentional, while innuendo is always intentional).
When innuendo is used in a sentence, it could go completely undetected by someone who was not familiar with the hidden meaning, and he or she would find nothing odd about the sentence. Perhaps because innuendo is not considered offensive to those who do not "get" the hidden implication, it is often used in sitcoms and other comedy which would otherwise be considered unsuitable for children. Children would find this comedy funny, but because most children lack understanding of the hidden implication in innuendo, they would find it funny for a completely different reason from most adult viewers. -